Te lucis ante terminum (107)
J. Aaron McDermid
St. Ambrose, 8th century

Te lucis ante terminum Rerum creator poscimus
Ut solite clementia, Sis Praesul et custodia.
Procul recedant somnia
Et noctium phantasmata Hostemque nostrum comprime
Ne polluantur corpora Praesta, Pater omnipotens
Per jesu Christum Domoinum
Que tecum perpetuum
Regnat cum Sancto Spiritu. Amen.

To You before the day’s end
We pray, creator of all things,
That by Your clemency You might be our grand keeper.
Put nightmares far from us,
And night terrors, And restrain our enemies
That our bodies may not know pollution
Grant this, Father almighty
Through Jesus Christ our Lord,
Who through all ages reigns
With the Holy Spirit. Amen.