Laudate Pueri (Now Praise Him)
W. A. Mozart
Psalm 113

O Praise the Lord, ye children, praise the name of the Lord.
Now let the name of the Lord be blessed from this time forever and evermore
Who else is like unto God our Father?
He who lives in heaven’s height and encompasses lovingly all things in earth and heaven
He has raised the needy from the dust, from the miry pit.
He has raised all his poor that He may place them with His Royal Kings and princes
Praise Him whose love hath made the barren woman fruitful and a joyful mother of children.
Praise to the Father also to the Son, Praise to the Spirit to the Holy Spirit,
as it was then and will ever be, both now and always through the centuries everlasting,
Amen. From Vesperae solennes de confessore K. 339