Here is the working end of an instrument under construction.
Smaller parts like keyboards are assembled by physically challenged workers The drawknobs are electric. They are actually switches which also have a solenoid which makes them go in and out depending on the setting of the combination piston.Here is the back end of the keyboard. You can see how the action from each key is transferred to an arm above. For short distances like this, aluminum rods are used.Here, we see how transmitting the motion over longer distances are implemented with thin wood strips ("trackers").These sets of levers are used where the action has to turn a corner to get around within the pipe chambers of large instruments. The yellow bins at the rear hold all the little pieces of hardware which go into the construction.A larger view of how the keyboard and pedal board action is translated into the larger scope of the instrument. They keyboards are below the center, straight part at the bottom of the picture. At the top of the picture you can see the first wind chest with some tapered metal pipes already installed.The long, thin strips of wood are being cut to the desired length.While modern materials like metal screws and plastic washers are used at the ends, the length of the tracker is made of wood. This is done to equalize any change in length that the wood parts of the organ may experience due to environmental changes in temperature and humidity.A completed pedal board ready for installation.