Many of the larger pipes in an instrument are constructed of wood. Here we see workers assembling some of them. At the bottom of the picture, you can see the foot of the pipes. The air enters through the round projection and then exits at the lip, at the bottom of the mouth (just a few inches above the foot). The rest of the pipe is the resonator which produces the individual pitch.Here are several wood pipes being clamped while the glue dries. Individual clamps at each end of the pipes hold the vertical parts, while the large green hydraulic press clamps the vertical pieces of the stacked pipes.Here is a range of smaller wood pipes, ready for installation.You can see how the dimensions of each pipe are slightly different. This, along with the length of the resonator section, determines the note or pitch. We are looking at the bottom of the pipes, but the foot has not been installed yet.Here are some of the smallest wood pipes being test fitted into the wind chest. The diagonal piece at the rear is used to hold the pipes upright. At the top of these pipes you can see the tuning block with the handles sticking up. These tune the pipes by moving them up or down to change the volume of the resonator.These wood pipes have metal resonators at the top to produce a distinctive sound (with additional overtones).